Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sacrificial Love

Are you being self-serving in a relationship? If so, where is the love in that? Real love is far from selfishness, being egotistical and a spirit full of pride. It has everything to do with providing, giving of yourself to your significant other with their best interest at hand and for their highest good. When you desire someone, be sure you have good intentions for needing to love them simply because you love and need them in your life. Ask yourself; are your purest reasons towards your loved one nothing less than to give them the best of your love you can provide them with, without any connected ulterior motives? Love conquers all, and heals a multitude of wounds, and it doesn't cover up the surface--you can't expect it to grow if you continue to open the wounds that have yet to heal. Don't be selfish, be self-sacrificial.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Be A Blessing Not A Curse

Don't miss your blessings by focusing on what others are being blessed with. Don't miss what God has in-store for you. Instead fixate your mind, re-position yourself towards the opportunities God has laid before you. God blesses everyone in different ways and that's perfectly great, because it is then we see the marvelous wonders of His great majesty. Count your blessings, not that of others, don't be envious, but happy, happy that another is happy and blessed as well. Share your goals and dreams with one another. Be a supporter, encourager and an inspiration for whomever you may come in contact with, whomever God lies before your path. You can't help someone with one hand and knock them down with the other. Rejoice for what God has done in your life and theirs and what He's yet to unfold. As long as you're still breathing, life ain't over until God says it's over. Speak life not death, share love not hate, pray to be more compassionate and less cruel. One cannot give what they do not posses and I don't mean luxury, riches and jewels, rather love, peace, wisdom and more love, which are more precious and most valuable, priceless gifts one could ever obtain. Everyone is going through a struggle as you are too. Remember, if God could pull you out of that pit He can pull anyone from their hell too; God is no respecter of persons, He loves us all. His grace is sufficient while His mercy is everlasting. Let grace cover your grace and aim and head towards your mark. We're all trying to get somewhere.