Effort, I'm a strong believer in effort. Builder of people, it's what I do, it's what I believe in, and what I breathe; it's a God given gift which I obtain, and live by---always have, always will. I may be down at times, my world in full turmoil or in full force chaos, however, it will never limit me in being a supporter, an encourager of people, an inspiration, a motivator for others in helping build their dreams and fulfill their goals. I don't look for love, true love finds me, and I welcome it, cherish it, hold onto it and definitely fight for it, because no love is ever wasted love. Love is love, and we all love differently; love feels good, as it should, but sometimes it hurts, and that's okay too, however, most importantly, love is patient, it's kind, and love sometimes takes time: love is worth the effort. This world has plenty of critics, and not enough encouragers, encouragers of love and life.
You cannot give me what already belongs to me, it's mine--exactly how God intended it to be. It's not what others may think or say, no, it's what God says that counts, and I solely and utterly trust in that. This here is my illustration, the book I go by, if this here finds you well, wonderful, my mission was accomplished, and if it offends you in any way shape or form, if this here at all makes you a tad bit uncomfortable, with all due respect, that's your problem, not mine and I will never apologize for it--mission accomplished. Sometimes the truth is very blunt, harsh, it's unjustifiable, it stands alone--it's the truth; I live for, live by it unapologetically. Be a lover of people, a lover of life--love with compassion: love yourself.
(Remember, it's not always about you.) At what point do you stop love? You don't: Love knows no end.
God bless, may the love of Christ exalt you and yours, always. #GodsPeaceBeWithYou. #ThankYou2014 #Welcome2015