Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let Them Be Exposed And Scattered

The ones who are defeated are those who think they are; the only way to consume your enemies is through prayer (spiritual warfare), through faith. Don't give up until they are destroyed, completely. Don't get discouraged in prayer. Continue to pray. You will become stronger, and the enemy weaker. Pray until their strategies are destroyed. One must pursue the ememy. To pursue means "to chase with hostile intent." We cannot be passive when it comes to warfare. The tactics of your enemy/enemies is to destroy your purpose and success in life. It's not just about winning the war--it's about overcoming and facing all the battles in-between that bring you to your victory/victories. On that note, demolish, sabotage all your enemies. Let all your victories establish your purpose and your success! Be like David; fight the good fight, and then dance like he did! (see psalm 68:1) 

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