Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Constant Prayer

For those in whom inhabit in it, how magnificent it is that you permit and/or allow us to arrive at your feet, before your throne with a sincere heart. Knowing, Beloved Father, that You do not despise a humble and contrite heart, it's like a sweet smelling aroma to you--thank you for giving us the free will to choose among the good and evil, for the elect to love you without any pressure, restraints and without being obligated to, but only because we know how you are so worthy to be praised and worshiped. Thank you Father for you are good, your mercy is everlasting, and your grace is sufficient; in spite of our failures and our weaknesses, and in spite of being in human form you've given us control to conquer all that is good and all that is evil. This, without hesitation, receives all the adoration, all the honor and all the praise from the heavens to the earths. In your hands, we entrust each and every day--starting with our health, our family, our friendships, our home, our work, our finances, our every movement. Let your will be done in each and every one of us, Holy Father, because we cannot be in better hands other than yours. Thank you for permitting our hands, hearts, technology, and fixed minds to help collaborate with whom we may come in contact with, connect with that may need our help through your Holy Spirit. You give us the serenity to accept what we cannot change, wisdom and intelligence to resolve, to endure any and all difficulties, and the love you've installed in us, your divine mercy to share with others as you have shared with us. Send angels to surround us, our families, loved ones, and those of whom we have yet to make contact with--the world, bless us to the point our cup runneth over and have no room to receive, which will give us the ability to give more and more as the vessels you've molded us to be, and still--in Jesus name we ask this of you....Amen, Amen and Amen.

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