Tuesday, June 9, 2015

An Unrealistic Dream

Hope. Hope is what I had when I had a dream, a dream I could see you become the man I know you were intended to be, and still, the man I know God wanted you to become, and knew you'd eventually be, because I had an indescribable faith in you. My hope was you could see the vision I carried or that somehow you could find yourself relating to it too. I could see so much potential, promise, success, so much goodness--it was almost as if the man I could see was already there, hoping you would have seen him too. The motivation, persistence and progression was nearly overwhelming. All the insecurities, the doubtfulness and dis-encouragements were completely out of sight, out of touch--no where to be found in the lake of positive possibilities. In this dream, all the past hurts, the wounds were far from us, too distant for us to know they ever existed. You began to believe in the unbelievable. I showed you a glimpse of how wonderful life could be and you allowed me to come into your sacred world and you opened up to me like no other. You see, I had this magical dream that somehow I could change you, change me, change us, for us. But then I woke up. I woke up to see you were no-longer there next to me, to share the dream, to bring the dream into reality. I realized you would've never recognized the person I had faith in. Perhaps you weren't ready to become the man you ought to be--the vision was overpowering. The faith I had in us would be, we would eventually become the 'we' we were made for and/or meant to be. No point in settling for a man in my dreams I could never come to see, meet, in this lifetime--a dream that would never come true. I learned I had to change my feelings towards you, the way I felt, all of this inside, this image I had of you, instead I decided it was time to let go and move on, not for you, but to set myself free from an unrealistic dream--a dream only I could see or ever dream of.

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