Saturday, October 3, 2015

Give Yourself A Break...

I'm an empath- you may find yourself asking why - why is it so difficult to get over a situation as fast as you'd like? Well perhaps it's because you're a good person, with a good heart and with good intentions, with sincere feelings and emotions. You may be an empath. 
The best of you, your greatest, your most sensitive being and strengths were used against you---and you were utterly betrayed. It takes a lot to be able to take it all in, and possibly take more time to heal and be made whole again. So we ask ourselves, why do I feel the need to heal and feel better faster, instead of just going through the process of it all without delay? Should it matter? Yes, it does, it's your heart! 
Constantly disappointed in ourselves just because life took us for a loop and were set a few steps back. Most of us find ourselves at every waking day with disappointment knowing we are still not fully healed. Take note that for some, it may be days, months, years, however long, understand in this process of healing you have to give yourself a break from time to time, no matter how long it takes. 
You'll have your good days, bad days, and maybe more often than you like, you'll find yourself fighting daily to stay as strong and keep your head above the waters. Know not everyone is perfect and not everyone knows and understands what you're going through, they may be the ones to trigger you, it could be anything: something they said, or didn't say, something they did or didn't do. 
It could be anything that will set you off, trigger you and you loose it--right in the moment when you’re overwhelmed by anger and sadness. 
Stop, and remember how far you've come and everything you've been through that didn't kill you, completely. Unraveling the thought and understanding that, that kind of emotional damage indeed takes time. You not only were madly in love, you were wrapped in euphoria, and that's the deepest. You went from an all high to an ultimate low state. Understand this: your heart and soul were tortured. 
So give yourself a break!!!

Living Beyond Expectations

"Get clear on what your idea of a good time in this life is, and relieve yourself of feeling that you need to live up to others expectations" ~Jeannette Maw 

We're all conditioned to be expected to live by societal, cultural stand point of expectations that of society and so forth: going to college--getting married--living a particular lifestyle--rising a career--having kids, etc. 
These are all patterns, and patterns can be readjusted to your liking, it doesn't necessarily have to be to others liking but yours, to make you happy, because only YOU are in charge of your happiness and how long you obtain it. 
It's up to you and only you. Not in the car you drive, the amount you have in your bank account, nor the person whom you choose to have in your life as a partner. You can possess all these elements and still be very much unhappy. Don't be fooled and conformed into what society expects of you, rather be formed into the person you are happy and pleased with. Be the person you want to see everyday in the mirror, let life reflect from your presence, your life, of who you truly want to be and are to be. Be your happy self.
Make you happy to attract the goodness you long for and so rightfully deserve. Don't be ashamed of your status, your condition, your life-style--live the life you know makes you happy and eliminate the noise enticing you to take on an agenda that isn't for you. 
Attract what is good for you, and the desires of your heart, mind and soul. ‪#‎LOA‬ ‪#‎LawOfAttraction‬ ‪#‎GoodVibes‬