Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reflections On Being Patient:

When something seems utterly worth it to you; you'll most likely be willing to wait for it, under any and all cost. Although, some see it as patience being a former time, either or it's still a priceless virtue. And even though it seems to be put in the back burner of convenience--there are more and more people unwilling to wait for anything anymore. In most events; if things don't come on your time, or as perfect as you expect certain this to be; how then can we say that we want it to come at all. Stop being like most typical people and wait on all the wrong things, but so impatient, and/or so quick in giving up for all that is right. When in your heart of hearts, you are aware of all that you deserve, and know without a doubt something is truly yours; at that point and time you know there’s no such thing as it taking too long because you are confident that it’s only just a matter of time. Patience is the key to endurance, and that key unlocks the door to consistency, which inclines you to all that is real, and most importantly, inviting you to what is key--trust. Nothing requires patience like love. Nothing respects patience like trust. And nothing values patience more than joy and happiness. Have the willingness to be patient long enough for life to give you all, or most of the answers to questions you may have now or in the near future. Uncertainty doesn’t always mean one is lost or bewildered; in most cases uncertainty is just there to remind you and teach you how to wait on God. Those who are willingly embraces patience and waits for what they want and will never be denied of what they want and or need. A patient person has perfect timing.; however, don't use patience as an mere excuse to procrastinate or become lazy. Patience is key, but being idle is pure evil. Consider all the sources.

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